As Shown In Mr. DE Story, It’s Very Possibe To Eliminate HSV With Dr. Aramide Herbal Cure!

Mr DE Cured Of Herpes 


Please Note: Images are for illustrative purposes only, they are not the real photos of patients and Also I do not reveal the full name of the patients, I just keep the first two letters of the name for comparison purpose, and hide all the other details. 


Mr. DE didn’t know that getting rid of the herpes virus would be very possible!.. Mr. DE, 35 years old, contacted Dr Aramide on September 23, 2021, to inquire about the herpes virus package. After he was satisfied with the explanation about the package, he ordered it. He did not start taking it until after a while.

I Talked about the importance of the diet while talking to the patient.

On March 4, 2022, Mr DE sent  a message saying he had started taking the package 11 days ago. He also asked about some important dietary instructions.



The Blood Test

I advised the patient to do a blood test in the last week of the treatment, that is, if he was free of outbreaks in the last 3 weeks.

Mr. DE did a PCR blood test and sent the result to me, which showed that he is cured of the herpes virus.

I congratulated him on his result and asked him to send his previous positive test result to write the testimony.


The results of the test that was done after Dr. Aramide Center HSV Cure, shows that Mr. DE has overcome HSV:

This is as Shown in Mr. DE Story! 




IgG Blood Test

The patient also did the IgG blood test, which showed that it has a high value, which made him puzzled, so we replied as follows:

“After curing the virus, it takes time for the immune system to destroy all the antibodies produced against the virus, as they are no longer needed in the body after curing the virus, it may take up to 6 months to destroy all the antibodies and get negative IgG results.”

“The treatment may cause an initial rise in the IgG level. IgG is the antibody that the body produces against herpes virus. The virus can’t be killed by the WBC’s unless it is linked to or bound by an antibody, and at least two antibodies should be attached to the virus in order to be killed. WBC’s recognize the virus as an invader that should be destroyed only when it is attached to IgG, and the higher the number of IgG attached to the virus, the higher the chance it will be recognized by the WBC’s and destroyed. When the IgG level is higher, this means the patient is now in the initial rise phase, but if the IgG is lower than before, this means that the patient has finished and passed the initial rise phase to the next phase which is killing the virus by the WBC’s. (WBC: White blood cells).”

I congratulate Mr. DE on his results and wish him good health.


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