Ms. SH Is Completely Cured Of Herpes Simplex Virus, With dr aramide herbal Center

Mrs SH Cured Of  Genital Herpes (Hsv1) 



Please Note: Images are for illustrative purposes only, they are not the real photos of patients and Also I do not reveal the full name of the patients, I just keep the first two letters of the name for comparison purpose, and hide all the other details. 


On December 7, 2022, Ms. SH contacted Dr. Aramide to inquire about the genital and oral herpes virus herbal cure. I responded to her as you can see below:

“Yes, there is. we will provide a detailed plan, which includes instructions that will guide you throughout the treatment journey. These will include the dietary restrictions, dosages and how to take the herbal cure, and other tips and instructions. we provide healthy dietary advice that best suits HSV patients.”

She replied saying: “Ok. Thank You so much for your response. I am really excited to take my life back and so grateful to have come across your treatment program! There are so many people close to me, even relatives, that I am going to be excited to share my soon results with so that they can get treatment as well! I do have a question about sexual intercourse? Will I need to refrain from all types of protected sexual intercourse during the treatment time. My fiancé is recently tested and still negative.”

Ms. SH bought the herbal cure package and started taking  it. She also kept in touch and asked about all the details regarding the instructions and the diet.

The positive test result that was done before taking Dr. Aramide Herbal Medicine, which indicates that Ms. SH was infected with the herpes virus :

mrs sh




On December 17, 2022, she delivered the good news to us after taking herbal cure. She sent us the blood test result, which indicates that she has no longer HSV, she is cured of herpes simplex virus :

Below is the test result that Ms. SH took after completing the HSV cure package. The result is negative, which confirms that she is completely cured of the herpes virus :

Note: People’s images are for illustrative purposes only.

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