Mr. J.O Cured Of Genital Herpes And Set To Complete Oral Herpes Cure
Please Note: Images are for illustrative purposes only, they are not the real photos of patients and Also I do not reveal the full name of the patients, I just keep the first two letters of the name for comparison purpose, and hide all the other details.
Our new story began on September 7, 2022, when Mr. JO purchased the herpes virus package. He started his journey by asking how long it would take to deliver the package.
We told him it would take 2-4 days to deliver it to his address via FedEx. Mr. JO was excited to receive the package and begin his journey with us.
On the 10th of September, Mr. Jo received his package and wanted to check if it was safe to take some supplements with it, so he sent us pictures of those supplements for us to confirm.
Dr. Aramide answered him and told him about the supplements he was allowed to take while taking the HSV package.
After confirming all the details and things to do while taking the herpes package, Mr. Jo started his journey with us on September 10, 2022.
Blood Test Results after Using the Package
On November 29, 2022, Mr. Jo sent us the blood test results for us to review. He sent the IgG blood test for HSV1 and HSV2.
Dr. Aramide told him on November 30th that the results of his blood test for HSV2 became negative (it was positive before, which means he is cured of herpes type 2 – HSV2), but he is still positive for HSV1, but the IgG values decreased from 9.37 to 1.79, which is an excellent improvement.
For this reason, we advised him to complete the package to get rid of HSV1.
The test results before using the package showing positive results for both HSV2 and HSV1 :
The test results after using Dr. Aramide Herbal Cure, Below shows The negative results for HSV2 :
We congratulate Mr. Jo on these results knowing that he completed his treatment for Herpes Type 1 (HSV1), and waiting for the test result of HSV1.
Note: People’s images are for illustrative purposes only.